SIm-Jung Kyung Hee & Kim Sora's Gossip Room
Question 1. Which of the following does not describe Kim Dongwan?
a) Two-faced b ) Smile-man c) Cheap d) Player
Question 2. Why has Kim Dongwan moved in with his parents again
a) To prepare for marriage b ) To get away from alcohol c) Because he's lazy d) Because he's lonely
The person that laughs constantly can also be scary.
Life makes it hard to be always laughing. To hide a dark shadow behind a bright laugh is hard to do without a lot of endurance. Meeting Shinhwa's Kim Dongwan, I discovered he's a solid person thats found his balance. His half-smile grin through his pearly whites completes his manly 'oppa' image. Being 'smile-man' who smiles even when he's sad through drama 'Goodbye Sadness' Kim Dongwan has firmly solidified his place as Korea's middle aged women's number one choice as a son-in-law. The following is his words that made this interview truly enjoyable and us as smile-women also.
I'm not as 'good' as the image from the drama. I have multi-personalitied aspects in my personality and I know how to skim the cream off the top too.
When I started 'Goodbye Sadness' I wanted to make the next-door boy image so I distanced myself from dieting. If I gained weight I left it as it was but when I finished I had gained 6kgs. Of course some blame goes on the constant noodle-eating in my role. But when I finished I discovered my face looked like it was drawn by a compass and there were balls of fat stuck here and there on my body. At this rate I'm worried if I'm going to be appealing to all the young ladies out there. I still want to be popular between the teens...!
Smiling stress
Yeah 'smile-man' is right. I'm constantly laughing. Its to the point where I'm getting face spasms. Sometimes I'm thinking "Why am I laughing?" but on the outside like habit I'm laughing. I get tormented by laughing stress. Next time I really want to have a role that doesn't laugh much. I am going to show that virtue and vice co-exist on Kim Dongwan's face.
Sensitive type-O
They all think from my laughing face that I have an easy and optimistic personality.
Definitely not. I'm sensitive and get stressed out a lot.
So I live trying to not make things for me to get stressed by. Recently I completely got rid of all my hobbies. My hobbies were rearing plants, making and taking care of aquatic plants aquarium and flying model planes, but all these things were in the end stuff that would torment me. I would stress over them trying to do them well but recently I sold them all. Now I'm going to look for a hobby that I can exercise in.
Oh yeah, on the night before the first filming I was so nervous I didn't sleep. Who would believe Kim Dongwan suffers from insomnia?
I don't spend on idle things. Maybe it's because I debuted at a young age, I know the value of money. I don't make things to have to spend on and they go straight to my home.
I've moved out but drinking only got more frequent so I moved back with my parents. I have a lot of interest in real estate and always have my antennae up for new businesses.
Player Moves?
My moves are my sincerity. But honestly I'm not a 'player'.
It just like when I think 'this is the girl", I date. My style is to try my best to a girlfriend. The things I think are most important in life are health, timing and money and within timing I think is love. Although there are many I lose too….
A group that ages together.
Its been 8 years since I've debuted as Shinhwa. All the members are approaching late twenties but I love how we can always meet the fans with a powerful and dynamic stage. We've begun work for our new album to come out in April. I want to always stay by them and be known as the 'group that grows old together'. I have plans to release a solo album too. When I look at Minwoo's stage I always reflect upon and examine myself. He's a friend I want to be like.
(That's the reason why i love Shinhwa so much, there is not a hint of jealuosy among the members. Each of them are happy with each others success. Hope you will always still the same guys.)
Question 1. Which of the following does not describe Kim Dongwan?
a) Two-faced b ) Smile-man c) Cheap d) Player
Question 2. Why has Kim Dongwan moved in with his parents again
a) To prepare for marriage b ) To get away from alcohol c) Because he's lazy d) Because he's lonely
The person that laughs constantly can also be scary.
Life makes it hard to be always laughing. To hide a dark shadow behind a bright laugh is hard to do without a lot of endurance. Meeting Shinhwa's Kim Dongwan, I discovered he's a solid person thats found his balance. His half-smile grin through his pearly whites completes his manly 'oppa' image. Being 'smile-man' who smiles even when he's sad through drama 'Goodbye Sadness' Kim Dongwan has firmly solidified his place as Korea's middle aged women's number one choice as a son-in-law. The following is his words that made this interview truly enjoyable and us as smile-women also.
I'm not as 'good' as the image from the drama. I have multi-personalitied aspects in my personality and I know how to skim the cream off the top too.
When I started 'Goodbye Sadness' I wanted to make the next-door boy image so I distanced myself from dieting. If I gained weight I left it as it was but when I finished I had gained 6kgs. Of course some blame goes on the constant noodle-eating in my role. But when I finished I discovered my face looked like it was drawn by a compass and there were balls of fat stuck here and there on my body. At this rate I'm worried if I'm going to be appealing to all the young ladies out there. I still want to be popular between the teens...!
Smiling stress
Yeah 'smile-man' is right. I'm constantly laughing. Its to the point where I'm getting face spasms. Sometimes I'm thinking "Why am I laughing?" but on the outside like habit I'm laughing. I get tormented by laughing stress. Next time I really want to have a role that doesn't laugh much. I am going to show that virtue and vice co-exist on Kim Dongwan's face.
Sensitive type-O
They all think from my laughing face that I have an easy and optimistic personality.
Definitely not. I'm sensitive and get stressed out a lot.
So I live trying to not make things for me to get stressed by. Recently I completely got rid of all my hobbies. My hobbies were rearing plants, making and taking care of aquatic plants aquarium and flying model planes, but all these things were in the end stuff that would torment me. I would stress over them trying to do them well but recently I sold them all. Now I'm going to look for a hobby that I can exercise in.
Oh yeah, on the night before the first filming I was so nervous I didn't sleep. Who would believe Kim Dongwan suffers from insomnia?
I don't spend on idle things. Maybe it's because I debuted at a young age, I know the value of money. I don't make things to have to spend on and they go straight to my home.
I've moved out but drinking only got more frequent so I moved back with my parents. I have a lot of interest in real estate and always have my antennae up for new businesses.
Player Moves?
My moves are my sincerity. But honestly I'm not a 'player'.
It just like when I think 'this is the girl", I date. My style is to try my best to a girlfriend. The things I think are most important in life are health, timing and money and within timing I think is love. Although there are many I lose too….
A group that ages together.
Its been 8 years since I've debuted as Shinhwa. All the members are approaching late twenties but I love how we can always meet the fans with a powerful and dynamic stage. We've begun work for our new album to come out in April. I want to always stay by them and be known as the 'group that grows old together'. I have plans to release a solo album too. When I look at Minwoo's stage I always reflect upon and examine myself. He's a friend I want to be like.
(That's the reason why i love Shinhwa so much, there is not a hint of jealuosy among the members. Each of them are happy with each others success. Hope you will always still the same guys.)
CREDITS TO: ShinhwaChangjo.net + orenji728 (translation) + Goodday (source)
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