Happy Merry Christmas& Happy x 2 New Year!!
how was this year that shinhwa and you sent off?
and how do you want the coming year to be?
pls receive the sincere present that shinhwa gives to "The Legend" members..
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to me, 2006 is a year in which many things happened, a year filled with hardships.
but after the concert tour and meeting alot of fans left pretty memories in me.
i think that every fan and friend have their own private matters, with family or with friends, and have pretty memories too.
hope that everyone will forget those unhappy memories, i wish that everyone will be blessed with good luck in the upcoming year!
to all fans and friends, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
to the japanese fans, do you have plans for the upcoming year?
my plan is to meet the fans through my new album! ^^ im looking forward to the upcoming year.
in 2007, please continue to love and care for us, Shinhwa!
hope that everyone is blessed with good luck and happy new year!
to the japanese fans and friends, 2006 has finally come to an end without us realising it.
the extremely gorgeous Shinhwa 2007 Calendar, has everyone gotten it? ^^
in the upcoming year, hope that everyone is able to finish up what they couldnt finish in 2006, and fulfil their wishes and dreams.
in 2007, please love us more! hope that everyone will be healthy and lucky.
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to everyone in "The Legend", you must be busy this year supporting us?
hope that everyone will be happy in this year end and next year starting! hope that everyone will draw up their new year plans, and fulfill them.
then, i'll be busier next year.. ^^ please love us more.
everyone, happy new year!
looking back at 2006, my first solo album release, this is such a touching year because i had so much concern from the fans..
hope that 2006 is a year that is filled with pretty memories for everyone.
here, hope that everyone will be happy next year! and hope that everyone will continue to support and love us.
japanese fans and friends, happy new year!
hello japanese fans, 2006 is ending, a new year is coming.
2007 these digits sound very lucky!
in the upcoming year i will work harder to show the fans my active side.
hope that everyone will be healthy in the new year, much blessings.. hope that everyone will continue to love and support us in 2007!
merry christmas!
credits// shinhwafan.jp + holaiker@bestshinhwa + prizzyy@ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forum
Taken from this thread ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forum/index...66.0#quickreply
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