Tuesday, April 21, 2009

[09.04.20] Eric maintains popularity with fans with the help of his manager


After Eric - leader of Korean supergroup Shinhwa - enlisted for military service last October, his manager Lee Jong Hyun has been holding video screening events for fans around Asia to ensure that Eric remains popular with his fans. He has already travelled to China and Hong Kong last month, and yesterday he landed in Taipei for a video screening event with more than 300 fans turning up. Lee Jong Hyun too possess good looks, and many of Eric’s fans crowded around him for photos, autographs and some even requested for a hug from him.

Lee Jong Hyun himself has qualities that are as good as those of celebrities. However he said humbly, “I just want to do well in my job as a manager. Everyone’s being so nice because of Eric.”

He added, “Although Eric is now serving his military duty, but he has been working hard at writing songs every day, and he misses his fans too. He will make his comeback as soon as he completes military service.”

Source: Apple Daily (Taiwan)
Trans: midnightgirl13@absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

1 comment:

brownsmoke said...

aww.. such a nice thing to do ... thoe Manager you wont ever have to worry about Eric's popularity as it will never ever fall ... one look at him and you know how we feel .... *ORANGE RULES*

... Eric Oppa do well and stay healthy and Save !! ... we all await patiently for you to come back

... we (fans) miss you too ^-^