Saturday, October 21, 2006

Update on JunJin solo album!

진이님 싱글앨범이 자꾸자꾸 미뤄지고 있는데 처음에는 9월에 나온다고 했었지용.
지금은 10월 중후반으로 예상하고 있어요. 당근 레이블은 CJ이구요, 디지털싱글이다 어쨋다 말이 많은데
디지털싱글로 발매할지 여부는 아직 모르겠고 CD로 싱글 발매되는 것은 확실합니다.


Jinnie album is still the process of making, at first it is slated to release in August but now, the album is to be release around min october and it iwll be under CJ but whether it will be digital style it is unknown but for sure it will be the same format as CD functions.

Credit: 동완날개@myth6 + dreamhyesung@shinhwasarang

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

huh?? he's CJ now?? so no more J2??

but i'm excited nevertheless!! :D woot woot!!