Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Who is Hyesung's Lover?

Everyone is very interested in the topic "Shin Hyesung's lover", which gathered many clues.

from the 29th onwards, "Shin Hyesung's lover" this wordsearch has become the hot talk online, arousing curiosity.
ung's lover, that has attracted so much attention? after confiming the results, "Shin Hyesung's lover" said that returning will be hyesung singing "lover."

the ALL STAR album that s released on the 2/1 has Shin Hyesung's song "lover" recorded in it. being on close terms with the composer, it is natural and kind that his song is recorded in it.

from the start till the end, the case "Shin Hyesung's love" could be used to gauge the fans' care and concern for hyesung.

ever since going solo since 2005, Shin Hyesung was not known of having a comeback, fans were also concerned about this. maybe it was because of this, no matter which single he released, be it Winter Story's duet with Lyn "Love.. after" or other duets, they all sold well.

also, goodemg expressed that Shin Hyesung will release his 2nd album in march, and starts his activities prior to that.

credits// daum + 心里有鬼@bestshinhwa + prizzyy@ http://s-shinhwasarang,net/forum
Taken from this thread --->

1 comment:

charity said...

i know her but im not telling hehehe!