Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The phonecall to Eric on ‘Intimate Note 2′…

Kim Gura: Now we’re going to make a phonecall to one of the other Shinhwa members
Lee Kyung Gyu: Is it Hyesung, Dongwan…
M: Hyesung’s on a plane, how can we call him?
(This was from a lame joke that M made earlier on – M heard the sounds of a plane flying past and claimed that HS was coming to join them for the show and that he’s on the plane that just flew past)

Line is connected

M: Hello
Eric: (mumbles/moans)
M: Eric ah
Everyone else: Ah Eric~
M: Choong Jae and Andy are right beside me
JJ: Hyung
Eric: (mumbles/moans) Yeah
JJ: Are you awake?
[Eric is sleeping after being on late-night duty]
Eric: What are you doing? The 3 of you?
Andy: We’re filming Intimate Note, we’re recording right now, so don’t swear or curse or anything like that


MC Eun Jiwon takes over the phone (♥♥♥)

Eun Jiwon: Eric-sshi
Eric: Hello!
EJW: Minwoo says that he’s the funniest member in Shinhwa…
Eric: He said that about himself?
[Everyone bursts out laughing]
Eric: He has to be doing some kind of response by the side, but it’s to liven up the atmosphere and things like that
M: That’s right…


MC Lee Kyung Gyu takes over the phone

LKG: This is Lee Kyung Gyu-sonbae (senior)
Eric: Ah, hello
[LKG explains that they graduated from the same school (not the same year of course )]
LKG: Eric, when are you going to be discharged from the army?
Eric: Next year, in October
LKG: Make a movie after that then
Eric: (laughs) Ok, got it~


Credits: Su-mi@absolutshinhwa

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