Saturday, May 23, 2009

[.05.17] Dongwan’s reviewlog: 굿' 바이: Good & Bye ガァ

Director Yoshiro Takita

Released 2008, Japan
Production date: 2008
Rating **

안타까운 영화 하나 추가.

두 배우가 전혀 안친해보이네..ㅜㅜ

뭐야 이거.

모토키 마사히로를 처음 접한건... 다름아닌 누!드!집! 이었다.

초딩때 오사카에 계신 이모네 집에서 미야자와리에와 모토키마사히로의 누드집을 본적이있다.

그때가 언제인진 모르지만 이모 말로 당시 젤 인기있던 남자라고했다.

어쩜 그때 다짐했던 걸까? '나도 내야지...!'ㅎㅎㅎ -_-

아무튼 이렇게나 오랫동안 연기한 배우가 상대배우와 호흡하지 못하고 있는건 ......

아! 어쩌면.. 나만 그렇게 느끼는 걸수도 있으니까.. 접어두자.

암튼 야마가타의 아름다움과 히사이시조의 음악안에서도 집중이 잘 되지않았다.

추가영상을보니 모토키마사히로 참 열심히 촬영에 임했다.

홍보에도 몸을 아끼지않고, 정말이지 최선을 다했다.

그래. 어쩌면 최선을 다했기 때문인건 아닐까?라고 생각해본다.

별하나는 야마가타에게. 별하나는 히사이시조에게..

source: Dongwan's Naver Blog

translation by: midnightgirl13@absolutshinhwa

Good & Bye (aka Departures / おくりびと, / Okuribito)
(For the Wikipedia article for the movie, click HERE)
Director Yoshiro Takita
Production date: 2008

Including a frustrating movie here.
The two actors do not seem close (have chemistry) at all..ㅜㅜ
What the hell is this.

My first encounter with Motoki Masahiro… was none other than a NUDE PHOTOBOOK.
When I was in elementary school, I saw the nude photobooks of Rie Miyazawa and Motoki Masahiro at my aunt’s home in Osaka.
Back then, though I’m not sure exactly when, according to my aunt, he was the most popular man at that time
Maybe it was a promise I made to myself back then? “I’m going to have one published too…! ㅎㅎㅎ -_-
Anyway, an actor who has acted for a long time isn’t able to coordinate with his co-star……
Ah! Maybe.. I’m the only one who feels this way.. Let’s put it aside then.

In any case, the beautiful scenery of Yamakita and Hisaishi’s music couldn’t make people focus.
After watching the behind-the-scenes video I found that Motoki Masahiro really worked very hard during the filming.
Even when he was promoting the film, he did his best and went all out at the expense of his physical strength.
Yes. I’m thinking “Perhaps it’s because he has tried his utmost best so he exhausted himself, isn’t it?”

One star is for Yamakita. The other star is for Hisaishi.

Credits: Dongwan’s Naver blog + Absolut Shinhwa

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