Sunday, July 24, 2011

[11.06.30] Eric’s 29th June Twitter updates: The religious tweets…


hyewon seo
@ 오빠~~저희아빠목사님이신데이번주말에집에내려가면은혜받을수있는책여쭤볼게요!오빠들한테고마운건고마운거고,!! 이번에답글안해주심안알려드릴거에요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ저이래뵈도은혜로운녀자임돠 제기도빨장난아니에여ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Oppa~~ My dad’s a pastor and when I go home this weekend I’ll be able to see the book that can let me receive God’s grace! I’m really thankful to all the Oppa’s,!! If you don’t reply me I won’t let you know ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Seems that I’m a thankful girl too, my prayer stance is no joke ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

eric mun
@ 꼭기도해주세요~목적이이끄는삶의40일중 day1스타트끊었구요~말도많고험하다는연예계에서멋지게살아남아서 안믿는사람들이볼때크리스쳔은고리타분하고 뉴스에서나쁜기사접한느낌만받는게아니라 정말쿨하고멋진거구나따라하고싶게 제인생으로보여주고싶어요

Please pray~ And start from Day 1 of the 40-day schedule in “The Purpose Driven Life”~ After surviving in the gossip-filled and tough world of showbiz, Christianity may seem old-fashioned to people who don’t believe in faith, but it’s not as bad as what the news and reports paint it to be, it’s really cool and awesome, and I’d like to follow it. I hope to use my life to show it


@ 전교 일등을 하게하고 스스로 주님을 만나러가게 하는 오빠의 힘. 그 힘으로 많은 분들 은혜받도록 해 주세요. 저도 기도할게요^^ 오빠 덕분에 제 믿음도 다시 한 번 고삐를 잡게 되네요. 정말 항상 감사한 오빠ㅠㅠ

Oppa’s power got her to top the school and led her to God. Please use that power to let more people receive God’s grace. I’ll pray too^^ Thanks to Oppa I’ve tightened my grip on my faith once again. Oppa, whom I’m always thankful to ㅠㅠ

eric mun
@ 참신기하죠?저도고등부수련회때영접하고많은기적과역사하심을경험했지만 (cont)

Isn’t it amazing? Although I’ve done some acceptances at senior high retreat, and experienced many miracles and workings of God, I’m still weak. In the few years with God I’ve drifted away out of burden and guilt. During that time God spoke to me through people that I didn’t expect and touched me. A while ago I watched the play “Dinner With A Perfect Stranger” by invitation of actor Shin Seung Hwan, and I totally pulled myself together again ㅎ It felt like getting hit on the head with a hammer ㅎ Although one can only go to Heaven upon death, eternal life is the part you enjoy from the moment you accept God, it’s what he said through the angels that he sent and people from out of nowhere during this time. During bad times God can hear all your prayers clearly=I understood why bad things can happen. Although there are many of such instances, ultimately the one who rescued me from a few years of spiritual aimlessness was a friend like Shin Seung Hwan who isn’t a Christian… Tada!! I have to quickly pull myself together and make plans to go to Heaven together with our Seung hwan~ Please pray for me~!


Juhee Hwang
@ 오빠 들어올때마다.. 팔로어가 1000명씩 늘어계시는군요;와……전 부처님 믿는데.. 부처님은 안되나요? ㅠ_ㅠ 진지하게 궁금해지네요;

Once Oppa came on Twitter.. Followers increased in 1000s; Wow…… I believe in Buddha… Can’t we believe in Buddha? ㅠ_ㅠ I really would like to know;

eric mun
@ 종교에관한의문들은 죽은후엔뭐가있을까?와 (cont)

I think questions about religion start from “What’s after death?” and “Who created the mountains, the sea, the earth and the universe?” Because I’m also full of curiosity and mischief, my skepticism won’t allow me to believe anything without getting a perfect answer. Praise God, glory to God, I’m embarrassed to say things like this too. And giving praise, living a virtuous life, reading the Bible everyday and giving glory to God doesn’t mean you will go to Heaven^^ There’s only one way to get to Heaven~ It’s not enough for me to explain, and I hope even people who are not Christians can read this book and challenge their own faith or my faith. This book isn’t even half of regular books, and it’s not a book that tells you to believe unconditionally. It’s a book that explains with historical evidence to people like us with weak or no faith who have questions or doubts. You’re welcome to discuss it after reading it once through. Even if I can’t reply everyone I will definitely read all mentions related to this book and I will definitely answer what I can answer~


Not a religious tweet, but it’s one of those I missed out yesterday so… ^^

Han Jin-ok
@ 이제 이십대지만 오빠들 좋아하는 마음은 아직도 소녀랍니다 근데 tweetbird보다 tweetlist가 더 편한가요? 처음엔 트윗버드쓰시다가 바껴서… 무튼 장마인데 비맞지마시구 감기조심해요XD

Although I’m in my 20s, I still like Oppa with the heart of a teenage girl. But is Tweetlist easier to use than Tweetbird? When I first started, I used Tweetbird then I changed it… Anyway it’s the rainy season now, don’t get caught in the rain and take care not to catch a cold XD

eric mun
@ 아직확실하게다는몰라도 쉽고 무엇보다 멘션들을 안읽은순으로 편하게볼수있고 지나친멘션들모아주는기능이있어서 트윗리스트일단합격점주고싶네요~

I don’t know for sure yet but it’s easy and most importantly it arranges all the mentions in unread order and since it has the function of consolidating all the mentions I missed, I want to give Tweetlist passing marks for now~


@ 오빠~! 휴일이라고 슝슝 트윗바람이군요ㅋㅋ어서주무셔요~~ 비가하루종일오네요ㅜㅜ 오빠의 트윗은 주님얘기가80%인듯!

Oppa! This breeze of tweets ㅋㅋ Please sleep early~~ It has been raining the whole day ㅜㅜ Seems that 80% of Oppa’s tweets are talking about God!

eric mun
@ 제가 여러분들께드릴수있는 제일!!큰선물입니다. 그다음은 엽사….정도??너무 매번하지는않을께요신앙얘기~ 제생각엔전도도전략적으로해야합니다 ㅎ유능한에쎔에서배운 고도의신비주의전략으로 부담스럽게강요하지않고 매력적으로끌어올께요~ㅎㅎ홧팅

That’s my biggest present to all of you!! After this… Probably weird photos? I can’t always talk about religion~ I think there has to be a strategy for spreading faith too ㅎ I learnt from a good teacher that it has to be done through charisma, not in a forced and burdensome way~ ㅎㅎ Fighting


This fan wrote a looooong tweet which I won’t translate but in summary, she couldn’t understand why omniscient God put his creatures through all kinds of suffering.

eric mun
@ 대답해드리고싶지만 너무신앙얘기만하는건 제가구상하는쿨한전도방법이아닌거같네요^^그질문에대한해답을정말원하신다면 추천책읽으시고다시물어봐주세요~다른분들도신앙질문은 책읽으신후에토론 웰컴입니다~

I wanted to give you an answer but I think I’ve been talking too much about religious beliefs and it’s not the cool way of spreading faith that I’m thinking of^^ If you really want an answer to your question please read the book that I recommended~ Everyone else who has questions on religious beliefs, you’re welcome to discuss after reading the book~

Credits: @miclarge1 + Absolut Shinhwa

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