Sunday, July 24, 2011

[11.07.05] Eric’s Twitter updates: 3rd/4th July recaps

About UFC fighter Kim Dong Hyun

eric mun
한국인ufc파이터김동현선수.탁월한 하드웨어에 적극적인파이팅 그리고 예전 모프로그램에 추성훈선수와 같이나왔을때 보여준 의외의 순박함과겸손함. 승패에 연연하지말고 앞으로 계속 서양인들이 생각 하는 작고약하고무시받는 소수민족한국인 의 고정관념을깨부숴주세요!

Korean UFC fighter Kim Dong Hyun. Outstanding hardware (physique), aggressive attacking and he was unexpectedly simple and humble when he went on a show with fighter Chu Sung Hoon. Don’t dwell on victory and defeat, and please continue to break the Westerners’ perception that Koreans are a minority race that’s small and weak!

eric mun
두개의 국기를 양어깨에 짊어진 감동스토리도, 초사이언인 슈퍼코리안도, 우직한 부산사나이 정통코리안도, 모두모두 응원합니다~ 힘내주세요! make us proud!

Whether it’s a moving story of carrying two flags on your shoulders, or as a a Super Saiyan Korean, or as a simple Busan man and a true Korean, all of us will cheer you on~ Go for it! Make us proud!


Summoning Jung Pil Gyo (HAHAHA)

@ 워매. 놀래라ㅋㅋㅋ 저도 조정은이에요 오빠.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 스크립터 조정은씨도 있고. 이번에 스파이명월에 조정은양도 출연하지 않나요..? ㅋㅋㅋ 오빠는 조정은을 불러모으는 능력이 있나봐요.ㅋㅋㅋ

Woah I got a shock ㅋㅋㅋ I’m called Jo Jung Eun too, Oppa. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ So there’s a scriptwriter called Jo Jung Eun too. Is Miss Jo Jung Eun involved in the filming for Spy Myungwol too…? ㅋㅋㅋ Looks like Oppa has the power to summon all Jo Jung Eun’s. ㅋㅋㅋ

eric mun
@ 김가영불러모으는 재주도있어요. 극중에 경주역에 스텔라의 김가영양, 제 스타일리스트도 김가영이예요. 음…정필교들도 모아볼까요? 취미로다가…

I have the power to summon Kim Ga Young’s too. Playing the character of Kyung-joo is Stellar’s Kim Ga Young, and my stylist is called Kim Ga Young too. Hmm… Should I try summoning Jung Pil Gyo? As a pastime…


Playing with a giant teddy bear in between takes

In the midst of filming. And playing like this~ Hungry…

eric mun
이건 살짝다른사진. "밥은 먹고 다니냐 곰…."

A slightly different photo. “Have you eaten, bear….”


Conversation with a fan (of which I understand NOTHING.)

@ 옛날에 지푸라기가 말을 했어요. 여러분 감사드리구요 저희 잊지 마세요.
그러자 베개속에 있던 에어컨이 울었어요. 지느러미는 안녕..

Long long ago, a piece of straw said this. “Thank you everyone and do not forget us.” Then the airconditioner in the pillow cried. Goodbye fin..

eric mun
@ 억지스러워. 공감할수가없잖아. 뭔가 좀 말캉말캉하고 흐물흐물한 느낌이면 어떨까?

That’s far-fetched. I can’t identify with that. How about something that feels softer and fluffier?

@ 왜냐면 이거는 옛날에 오빠가 했던말이거든요..ㅋㅋㅋ뭔가 좀 말캉말캉하고 흐물흐물한 느낌이면 어떨까요

Because this is what Oppa said before… ㅋㅋㅋ How should “something that feels softer and fluffier” be?


His thoughts after Day 4 of reading The Purpose Driven Life and conversations about it with fans

eric mun
Day4ofP.D.L 신이라면 천국과 지옥이있다면 인간을사랑한다면 왜모두를 인도하고 (cont)

Day 4 of P.D.L (Purpose Driven Life) We ask, “If there’s God, if there’s Heaven and Hell, if God loves humankind, why doesn’t He lead us to do the right things and make the right choices?” What I think is that it’s because He loves humankind that He created us in his own image, and subjects us to trials and tribulations in the world to give us character, spirit and freedom. Even so His heart hurts so He sent His son to redeem the sins of humankind. In the end, compared to the angels that were created to unconditionally follow God, He loves humans, who have choices, character and freedom, more? So that’s why Lucifer went over to the other side? Because he was angry?? Full of things that I’m not sure of… I should quickly read more~

@ 이게 어떤책내용이예요???? 저두읽어보고싶어요ㅋ 저두모태신앙인지라 이런거 관심많아요ㅋ

Out of which book do these contents come from???? I’d like to read it tooㅋ I was also born into the faith and I’m very interested in things like thisㅋ

eric mun
@ 제트위터에 올리는글들은 인용글이라고 쓴글외엔 전부 개인적인 생각이고 틀릴수도있으니 그냥 저사람생각은 저렇구나 정도로 참고만하세요~ 오늘도 보람찬하루를 끝마치고 인제꿈나라로~ 취침시간 삼십분정도 되겠지만 스윗드림하렵니다~ 굿나잇!

Other than the quotes, everything else in my tweet are my own thoughts, and could be wrong. Just think of it as “That’s how he thinks”, and use it as reference~ Ending a rewarding day, I’m headed for dreamland now~ Although I only have 30 minutes I’m going to have sweet dreams~ Good night!

@ 원하신다면…성경구절이랑 정확히 대조해서 다시 맨션보내도 될까요??

If you want… Can I give you a reply mention again after I match the corresponding Bible chapters??

eric mun
@ 네 부탁드려요 감사합니다~

Yes please, thank you~


Conversation with dance crew member JB Lee

여긴 어바인~~ 오자 마자 in-in-out 버거~~^^ 이제 부터 나의 미국 생활이 시작되는군 좋은 추억들 많이 만들고 가야쥐~~gogogo

This is Irvine~ Went to In-N-Out burger as soon as I arrived~~^^ From now on my life in the US is going to begin. I’m going to make many good memories~~ Go go go

eric mun
@ 얼바인 거기내구역이야 너보호비내야해. 미국은왜간겨??울작은누나 거기있는데~ 지나다니다가보면 인사해.

Irvine’s my district, you’ll have to pay me protection fees. Why are you in the US? My second sister is there~ Say hi if you see her.

@ 오~~형구역이셨구나ㅋ
저희 공연땜에 왔어용~~^^ 형 다음에 같이 와용 ㅋㅋ형~ 갈만한곳 소개시켜주세요~~~

Oh~~ That’s my brother’s districtㅋ We came for a concert~~^^ Hyung come over together next time ㅋㅋ Hyung~ Please recommend me places to go~~~


About how to cancel retweets

eric mun
리트윗실수 ㅠ삭제도안되고…죄송합니다 ㅠ

Retweeted by mistake ㅠ I can’t erase it too… Sorry ㅠ

eric mun
오호 감사합니다. 리플라이누른다는게 리트윗을…취소됐나요? RT @: @ 리트윗표시 한번 더 누르면 해제되용ㅜㅜㅎㅎㅎ

Oh ho thank you. Can I cancel a retweet… by clicking the reply button? RT: Just click on the retweet button one more timeㅜㅜㅎㅎㅎ


Conversation with HaHa (I kind of hear HaHa’s voice in his tweets. ROFL)

ha dong hoon
@ 어이~~ 이봐~~ 에릭!!! 나 동훈이여…!!! 하하하하하하 잘지내남!??

Oh~~ Look who’s this~~ Eric!!! I’m Dong Hoon…!!! Hahahahahaha how are you!??

eric mun
@ 동훈아 근데…… 사랑해!!!!!!!너 우끼고기여워!!!!!!!

Dong Hoon ah but…… I love you!!!!!!! You’re so cute!!!!!!!

eric mun
@ 하로로야 밥잘먹고댕겨~ 그리고 난니비밀을알고있다 ㅎㅎㅎ너두알지? ㅎㅎ우리사이좋게지내쟈~ㅎㅎ

Haroro ya you have to make sure you have your meals~ And I know your secret ㅎㅎㅎ You know what I mean right? ㅎㅎLet’s get along well~ㅎㅎ

ha dong hoon
@ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오옷!!!!너랑나랑은 역쉬….ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 문정혁아!! 너도 밥잘먹고 코디언니한테 퍼프잘찍어달라그러고 연기할때 몰입잘하고 나 맛난거사줘~~

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Oh!!!! We made a promise….ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Mun Jung Hyuk ah!! You have to eat well too and get your coordi-unnie to powder you up properly and focus on your acting, I’ll give you a treat when we meet~~

ha dong hoon
장가보다는 어머니가 요리를 잘하셨음 좋겠다…

I’d rather have my mom cook properly than to get married…

eric mun
@ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ나니네엄마죠아~러블리하셔 ㅎㅎ 나 니가게갈때 지갑안갖고갈꺼야. 번창하길하로로야~

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI like your mom~ She’s lovely ㅎㅎ I won’t bring my wallet when I go to your shop. Prospering Haroro ya~

ha dong hoon
@ 우리가게 입장할때 지갑확인해! 그래서 유명해진건데… 우리엄마도 너 좋아해! 돈많아서! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

We’ll check for your wallet before you enter the restaurant! That’s why we’re famous… My mom likes you too! Because you’re rich! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

eric mun
@ ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ I love your mommy~ so cute~~!

ha dong hoon
@ ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 만나서 할얘기 많겠네~~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ We’ll have lots to catch up on when we meet~~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

eric mun
@ 어쨌건 사업들도 다잘돼길바라고 가게도 더잘 키워놔~친구야~ 다음에갈때 사버리게.

Anyway I hope your businesses will do well and your shop will grow~ Friend~ I’ll treat when we meet next time.

ha dong hoon
@ 오마갓!!!! 아임 원빌딩 투 헬리콥터 쓰리 에어플레인!!! 유노!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 와이 갑자기 돈질드립!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 맛난거사줘!! 문정혁아~~ 홍홍

Oh my god!!!! I’m (I want) one building, two helicopters, three aeroplanes!!! You know!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why did you suddenly talk about money!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Give me a treat when we meet!! Mun Jung Hyuk ah~~ hng hng

eric mun
@ 응 그것들전부 사버리구 맛난것두사줄께~니모든것을 사버릴꺼야~ 니껀탐나~

I’ll buy all of that and buy you a good meal~ I’ll buy everything you have~ I want everything that’s yours~


A fan wishing him luck for his opening pitch (for the 4th July filming that eventually got cancelled)

I hope you’ll throw a pretty opening pitch~

eric mun
@ 이쁜시구란 어떤시구일까…?머릿속이 복잡해졌다…

What’s a pretty opening pitch…? I’m confused…


Filming of the baseball scene with fans

eric mun
야구장씬 촬영중. 와주신 팬여러분 쌩유!!!

Filming at the baseball stadium. Thank you to all the fans for coming!!!

eric mun
유니폼갈아입어껀만 경기장측에서 협조를안해줘서 구장내에씬은 급캔슬됐네요ㅠ 저도 해질때까진찍을줄알았는데 갑자기딴씬찍으러 가게됐어요…와주신팬분들고마워요~ 햄버거못사줘서미안해요ㅠ 조심히들어가시길~

I had just changed into the uniform when the stadium informed us that they will not be sponsoring the venue for our filming so the baseball scene has been cancelledㅠ Even in the early morning I thought we were still filming but we’re suddenly headed for another scene… Thank you to all the fans for coming~ Sorry I couldn’t buy you hamburgers ㅠ Go home safely~


Conversation with Se7en

@ 우앙~ 리기형이닷!!^^
Long~ time bruh!!! Miss ya!!!

Waa~ It’s Ricky-hyung!!^^ Long~ time bruh!!! Miss ya!!!

eric mun
@ 일곱아~~너언제 맞팔해주나 기다리고있었다이놈~ 알라뷰~알라뷰~

Ilgop (Korean for the number seven) ah~~ When did you follow me back I was waiting, you rascal~ I love you~ I love you~

@ 호호 오늘 알았음^^ 이게 얼마만이요요요!!! 보고싶다규~ 알라뷰 투^^
Ps. 그때가 그립습니다ㅠ (pic)

Hoho I just found out today^^ I miss you!!! So much~ I love you too^^ Ps. I miss those daysㅠ (pic)

eric mun
@ 왜!왜!!나만!!!ㅎㅎ난예전에우리끼리모여서놀때 아기GD같이놀던생각나. 인젠쑥쑥커서 어른남자가 돼있어서 티비볼때신기해 ㅎ넌전이나지금이나 그대로인듯~keep in touch ma homeboy!

Why! Why!! Only me (that gets left out)!!! ㅎㅎ I remember those days when we were hanging together, even little GD was playing with us too. Now he has already grown into a young man, it’s fascinating to see him on TV ㅎ You don’t seem to have changed much from then~ Keep in touch ma homeboy!

@ 형은 늙을수록 더 멋있어지는듯… 빨리 더 늙으세요!!!^^ 하하하 턱투유 레이라~~ holla!!!

Hyung you become more handsome as you get older… Please grow older quickly!!!^^ Hahaha talk to you later~~ Holla!!!


Back to using his iPhone and conversation with fans about phones

eric mun
이틀만에 다시 아이폰으로 돌아왔다. 아이폰4g+egg4g. 역시 아이폰만한게 없네… 미안해 아이폰아 잠시 버려서 ㅠ

After two days I’ve returned to the arms of my iPhone. iPhone 4f+egg4g. There’s nothing that beats the iPhone… Sorry iPhone ah I abandoned you for a while ㅠ

@ 그렇구나! 나도 케이티데ㅋ

I see! I use KT too ㅋ

eric mun
@ 하나만씁니다. 케이티에선 단순변심으로도 환불가능합니다~ 고마운 체험이었어요 땡큐 케이티!

I’m only using one. For KT you can make an exchange if you change your mind~ Thank you KT for a good experience!

@ 흠_ 그런가요? 저는 htc쓰는데…저,저는 이것도 좋아요^^ 하지만 리더님이 그러시니까 아이폰으로 갈아타고 싶어졌음ㅠ

Hm. Is that the case? I’m using HTC though… I like it^^ But since Leadernim has said so, I’d like to try the iPhoneㅠㅠ

eric mun
@ 싫다는게아니예요 아이폰이나한텐더맞는단것이지. Htc 는 좀더 똑똑한사람이 특히 이것저것 꾸미고 꼼꼼한사람이쓰면 좋을 폰일듯. 전 아이폰의 단순함이좋아요. 이점이 어떤이에겐 심심함일듯해요. 새로장만하실분들 참고하세요~

It’s not that I don’t like it, just the the iPhone suits my needs more. HTC is for smarter people, it’s especially good for those who like to customize and keep things in order. I like the simplicity of the iPhone. Others may see this as boring. Those looking to get a new phone can make a reference~

알님('ㅅ'R ロミ
@ 역시 갤투만한게 없는 전 죄송하네요~ 안드로이드 사용자 반감 일으키기 딱 좋은 트윗이네요…

I’m sorry but it’s only the (Samsung) Galaxy II for me~ It’s a good tweet to arouse hostility from Android users…

eric mun
@ 반감까지야…그냥 내가좋다는건데. 여러분 우리쓸데없이 예민해지지맙시다~ 모든일에~

Hostility… It’s just my own preference. Everyone, let’s not be unnecessarily sensitive~ For everything~

알님('ㅅ'R ロミ
@ 네:) 그냥 그렇게 보일수도 있다는거예용~ 저 안티는 아니에요>< 싸인회가서 오빠싸인도 받았어요~ 얼마 안됐네요. 한 2002년? 더워도 촬영 욜시미 씐나게 해주세요~

Yes:) Just that it seems that way~ I’m not an anti-fan>< I’ve gone to Oppa’s fansigning and got your autograph~ Not very long ago. Around 2002? Although the weather is hot, please work hard and enjoy your filming~


Disagreeing with a fan who says Dongwan fits the description of his ideal girl

@ 겸손하고 지혜롭고 오빠와다른 존경할점이있고 화려하진않아도 웃는모습이아름답고 모든걸다주고사랑해도 아깝지않은 무엇보다 주님과함께 살아가는 어딘가있을 내반쪽이 동완오빠네요 딱!ㅋㅋ

“Humble, wise, with traits different from mine that are worth respecting, has a beautiful smile even though she may not be glamorous, giving, has no reservations about love, and above all, I hope my other half who, with the Lord, is living somewhere in this world”, that’s exactly Dongwan-oppa isn’t it! ㅋㅋ


eric mun
@ 겸손하지읺고 지혜롭지못합니다 다른존경할점은있고 화려하지도 웃는모습은더더욱 아름답지않습니다. 모든걸다주고 사랑하면 아까울거같지만 주님과함께살아가는건 확실히맞지요. 그리고 그놈은 내반쪽이아니라 육분에일쪽 이랍니다.

He’s not humble and can’t be wise. He has traits different from mine that are worth respecting, he’s not glamorous and even his smile is not beautiful. Although he might have reservations about giving it all for love, he does live with the Lord. And that guy isn’t my other half, he’s one-sixth.


Tweet to actor Lee Kyun

eric mun
@ 대강이야 인제맞팔완료~ㅎㅎ 푹쉬고 촬영장서보쟈~

Daekangie ah now we’re following each other~ ㅎㅎ Rest well and I’ll see you on the set~


Conversation with Lee Hyori

Off to India… I’ll be back soon

eric mun
@ 인도엔또왜?이효리양? 설마혼자가??카레때매??

Why are you going to India again? Miss Lee Hyori? Alone?? Because of the curry??

hyori lee
@ 아니 후원하는 아이만나러다는거 이쁘지?

No, I’m going to meet my sponsored child, isn’t she pretty?

eric mun
@ 와 인형같이생겼네 꼭 드래곤볼 맨마지막회에 나오는 꼬마같애~ 조심히갔다와~ 다녀와서 포스팅부탁!

Wa she’s like a doll, she’s like the little kid that appears in the last episode of Dragonball~ Have a safe trip~ Please make a posting when you return!


Conversation with scriptwriter Jo Jung Eun

Jo Jung Eun
감독님, 제말좀 믿어주세요~ 저 제대로 말씀드리고있잖아요ㅠㅠ 글고 소품팀막내야! 내 대본좀 말없이 가져가지마~ 현장에서 내모든것을 왜가져가는거야~ 화낸다진짜!!

Director-nim, please believe me~ Am I not telling you as it isㅜㅜ And the maknae from the props team! Don’t take my script away without a word~ Why are you taking my things away on the set~ I’m angry, really!!

eric mun
@ 워워 진정하셈 ㅎㅎ근데 플필사진은 친군가봐? 배고파…

Woah woah calm down please ㅎㅎ But the person in your profile photo must be your friend? Hungry…


Conversation with costume crew staff member

강우오빠가면 흰색선택한거잘한거같앙ㅋ까만색보다 깔끔하고화려해보여 인아가면도 이뿌고화려한데 긴깃털땜에 다들빵터져서는 다들놀리네~~이뿌기만하구만ㅋㅋ강우랑인아는 깃털꼬꼬커플~~ㅋ

Kang Woo oppa’s white mask seems to have been a good choiceㅋ It looks cleaner and more impressive than the black one. In-ah’s mask is very pretty and fancy too but everyone’s making fun of it because of the long feathers~~ It’s prettyㅋㅋ Kang Woo and In-ah, the feathered couple~~ㅋ

eric mun
@ 인아가면 안웃긴데… 예쁜데…괜히 자기가 수줍어하고있어 ㅎㅎ

In-ah’s mask isn’t funny… It’s pretty… She’s being shy about it for no reason ㅎㅎ


End of filming for the day

eric mun
촬영은 끝났는데 네비왈 집까지세시간…남아있는 명월이랑 스텝들은 날새고내일 제작발표회갈기세…힘내세요 화이팅!!

Filming is over but the GPS navigation system says that I’m still 3 hours away from home… Myungwol and staff who are still filming will have to keep going until the production press conference tomorrow… Hang in there, fighting!!


Conversation with Kim Do Hyun

@ 화이팅하고 수고해 ma' man~

Fighting, and you’ve worked hard ma’ man~

eric mun
@ 헉 넌이시간까지또 뭔작업을하는게냐 언능잠쟈야해~! 아이 원트 스골앤 짜장면!

Gasp what are you working on at this hour, quickly go to sleep~! I want jajangmyeon!

@ 나는 스골앤 냉면.ㅋㅋㅋ

I want naengmyeon (cold noodles).

Credits: @miclarge1 + Absolut Shinhwa

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