Saturday, July 30, 2011

[11.07.06] Eric’s Twitter updates: Conversations with fans about YouVersion Bible Plan

It’s almost like he is the spokesperson for the app. LOL

Mina Park
@ 하루에다섯장정도로생각하고 구약두장, 신약두장, 시편1편씩읽으면지루하지고않고구신약연결고리도보여요! 전요즘이렇게읽고있어요^^*

Think along the lines of about five chapters per day, if you read two from the Old Testament, two from the New Testament, one from the Book of Psalms, you won’t get bored and you can see a link between the Old Testament and the New Testament! This is how I’ve been reading these days^^*

eric mun
@ 오호~저두요 you version bible reading plan 보면 딱 창세기1,2 시편1,2 마태복음1,2이런식으로 하루당지정해줘요. 아이폰어플로도있어서 편리해요

Oh~ Me too. If you see the YouVersion Bible Reading Plan that’s how it’s planned for each day: Book of Genesis 1,2; Book of Psalms 1,2; Gospel of Matthew 1,2. There’s an iPhone app too so it’s convenient.

@ 저.. 말씀좀 물어봐도될련지요 you version bible reading plan이라는 책 교보문고에서 검색해봤는데 없더라구요 어디서 구입하시는지 어기면 알려쥬실수 있나요

I… Is it ok if I ask you something? I went to Kyobo to look for the book called YouVersion Bible Reading Plan you mentioned but I couldn’t find it. Can you tell me where I can buy it?

eric mun
@ 인터넷검색하시면돼구요 아이폰에선 어플로있으니검색해보세요. 그리고 한글됩니다. 성경도 당일치 어플로바로연계되어보여지구요. 한영둘다가능합니다.

You can try searching on the Internet, it’s an iPhone app. And there’s a Korean version. This app brings you a daily reading from the Bible. There are both Korean and English versions.

Credits: @miclarge1 + Absolut Shinhwa

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