Sunday, July 24, 2011

[11.06.30] Eric’s Twitter update: Thank you my friend Shin Seung Hwan

eric mun
나 오랜만에 복귀작한다고 떨지말라고 연극과 사극촬영중에도불구하고 스파이명월초반부 특별출연해준 고마운내친구 신승환! 몇일전 첫째돌두잘치뤘고 둘째아이도가졌고 와이프가원하는좋은집도 끝내못이겨장만한 멋진놈!흐~~

Thank you to my friend Shin Seung Hwan, who told me not to be nervous in my comeback drama, and took time off between filming for his sageuk and his theatre play to make a special appearance in the initial part of Spy Myungwol! An awesome guy who just held his firstborn’s first birthday party a few days ago and now expecting his second child, and working hard towards getting the nice house that his wife hopes for! 흐~~

Credits: @miclarge1 + Absolut Shinhwa

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