Saturday, July 30, 2011

[11.07.06] Eric’s Twitter update: Tweet to Yoo Ri El

Why hasn’t she responded to his tweets so far…? Hmm… ㅋㅋㅋ

You remember in order to forget. Repent,forgive,and be free.(Rom 6:11) The devil remembers. God forgets.

무언가 기억이 날땐 잊게하기 위함입니다. 회개하고, 용서하고, 우리 안에 쌓여있던 쓰레기는 비우고 하나님이 공급하신 좋은것들로 채우는 하루 보내세요!악은 기억하지만 하나님은 잊으십니다 ;) (롬6:11)

When you remember something, it’s for the sake of forgetting. Repent, forgive, empty out the garbage accumulated in us and spend the day filled with good things given by God! It may be bad memories but God forgets ;) (Romans 6:11)

eric mun
@ 나도 youversion bible plan 으로 성경통독 일년계획 들어갔어요 근데 그냥 창세기부터 쭉읽는건 별로인가요? 바이블플랜 처럼 구약 신약왔다갔다함서 읽으면 더좋은건가요?

I’ve started a one-year Bible reading plan with the Youversion Bible Plan too, but is it nothing other than reading all the way from the Book of Genesis onwards? Is it better to read the Old Testament and the New Testament back and forth like the Bible plan?

Credits: @miclarge1 + Absolut Shinhwa

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