Thursday, November 02, 2006

31/10 Dongwan's Diary Entry

글쓴이 : 오빠얌! (2006-10-31 01:27:35 Hit: 2930)

[동완]우연은 없다...

우연은 없다.
(There are no coincidences.)

간절한 나의 바램이,잊고 지낸 나의 실수가, 우연을 가장해 찾아오는 것이다.
(My sincere wish,the mistake I forgot about, comes to me disguised as a coincidence.)

살아가면서 일어나는 수많은 우연들은 결국은
(Those numerous coincidences I encounter during my life are ultimately)
아주 오래전에 내가 심어놓은 씨앗인 것이다.
(The seeds I planted a long time ago.)

난 늘 우연속에서 살아간다.
(I always live in coincidences.)
하루하루가 놀라움이다.
(Every day is surprising.)

그게 우연이 아니었다는걸 아는일은,
(Learning that it was not all coincidence)
늘 유쾌하진 않지만......
(Is never pleasurable......)


(It's so profound..)


Source : GoodEMG
Translated by : sometimes (Erica)
credits to shinhwajj + angel2nyt


Flor said...

sorry for the comment, but what the heck is he talking about, or he he just mimbling as usual...
love you wannie :)

Anonymous said...

yo... cognitively post!