Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trans: Hyesung’s letter to fans during “You Raise Me Up” at the Keep Leaves concert

Sometimes I would think
About how I look standing on stage and singing
About how I look singing in front of so many people
Although I still have trouble getting rid of that kind of nervousness
Now looking at it
That nervousness seems to have become my unique persona

When I was young I often thought about how I would be when I grew up
Now looking at it
There’s a big difference between I imagined then and the reality now
But I’m very satisfied with the way I am
It feels just right
Just like the clothes I often wear.

I’m really the happiest person in this world
I’m doing something that I love
And at the same time I can feel everyone’s love and concern for me
Can all of you feel it too?

All of you who are standing by me, the look in your eyes
That look and your worry for me
Every time I see that look and feel your concern
My heart is filled with gratitude

The road that I’m taking
The road that I want to take
It feels more arduous as I grow older
It’s very difficult to walk this road alone
But because I have all of you with me
No matter how difficult, how tiring, how tough it is, it doesn’t get me down
Having someone moving forward on this road with me
Gives me a lot of strength

I’m travelling with everyone on the same road
Although I don’t know where this road will end
To everyone who’s moving forward with me on the same road
It will be great if we can travel together forever

Credits: Flashback + SCIC + Su-mi@absolutshinhwa

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