Monday, February 09, 2009

[09.02.09] Dongwan’s blog: Review of Seven Pounds

Director: Gabriel Muccino
Release date: 2008, U.S
Dongwan’s Rating: *****

Woody Harrelson, Rosario Dawson, Will Smith, Barry Pepper…

This movie doesn’t have many classic lines.
The actors didn’t say many lines, but they kept on saying many things..
That can all be felt. Until the point that I even had goosebumps.

Whether it was the scene where he was facing his grandmother, or the scene where he was giving in to Emily’s kiss, Will Smith’s look was,
Just.. Too much. But without exaggerating, his expression is…
Really to a point where jealousy sets in… Hey. That’s what being an actor is..
Although it’s a bit of a joke to compare myself to Will Smith
But that is possible isn’t it? To people like me..? ^_^
Perhaps.. that reflects how Will Smith is.. his daily private life at home, that’s why he’s even more immersed into the movie..
Seeing Will Smith often makes me think of becoming an excellent father myself..ㅎㅎㅎ

And what surprises me is that I don’t find it draggy at all.. That must be the strength of the director then?
Some say that the emotions of the Italians are a little Oriental… Impatient too~ That’s why the movie is my kind of style? -0-

No matter what, this is a movie that doesn’t let your heart rest for even a moment for two hours.

ps. You have to make reservations to ensure that you get good seats.
It’s a movie where you don’t want to miss any moment of the actors’ performances.

Source: Dongwan’s Naver blog
Chi trans: jojoyu7@shinhwachina
Eng trans:

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