Tuesday, February 10, 2009

[09.02.09] Junjin’s 1st solo concert in China sells out in 15 mins

Junjin will be holding his 1st solo concert in Shanghai, China on 21 Feb, titled “Our Promise - 2009 Junjin”, followed by a fanmeeting on 22 Feb.

As part of Shinhwa, Junjin had previously held two very successful concerts in 2006 and 2007 in China, but now his fans will now meet him again, not as Shinhwa’s Junjin, but as the solo singer Junjin.

Junjin’s 1st concert has received an overwhelming response from local fans, who snapped up all the tickets in a mere 15 minutes. Many Chinese fans from all over the country, as well as Japanese fans, have all made reservations either at the hotel Junjin will be staying, or at other nearby hotels near the concert venue.

The concert venue is the top-notch Shanghai Grand Stage (Shanghai Gymnasium), which world-class stars such as Beyonce and Celine Dion have performed at before.

Source: SPN
Chi trans: 紫水晶@isay81
Eng trans: midnightgirl13@absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

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