Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hurricane Hyesung hits Taiwan… Consolidated news

Korean group Shinhwa’s vocalist Shin Hyesung, dressed stylishly in black, arrived in Taiwan in the afternoon of 9th Feb, and nearly 300 Taiwanese fans armed with orange balloons were at the Taoyuan Airport to welcome him. He slowed down and drove the fans into a frenzy when he greeted them with ‘Happy New Year’ in Chinese.

Orginally planned to promote the concert, the trip turned into a thank-you event, as all 3,000 tickets for his 14th March concert were snapped up within 38 minutes. As a gesture of gratitude to the fans, he held a fansigning session on 10th Feb at TV station CTS for 150 fans, who even started queuing the night before. Taiwanese media also jumped at the opportunity to get interviews with Shin Hyesung, whose Side 2 album presales have already topped charts in Korea and Japan.

Upon reaching the Grand Hyatt, where he is staying for this trip, he was treated to a serving of xiaolongbao, or Chinese soup dumplings, prepared by the concert organizer. Shin Hyesung, known to be an avid gamer, didn’t have any special requests except to make sure that his room is Internet-enabled so that he can get to his online games during his free time.


On the night of 9th Feb, Shin Hyesung made an appearance on a Taiwanese radio program, where the messageboard and phone lines were flooded just 10 minutes into the show. A fan even got so emotional that she cried when she managed to speak to Shin Hyesung over the phone. (It was quite funny, HS went like ‘aigoo, don’t cry’)

When asked about his plans for other fields of entertainment, he said that singing is what he’s most confident of, and he will only think of trying other things when he has done well in singing and when he has prepared enough to do so.


At the press conference on 10th Feb, Shin Hyesung greeted the media in Chinese - 你好,我是申彗星,好久不見,台灣我愛你 - “Hi, I’m Shin Hyesung, it’s been a long time, Taiwan I love you”.

This trip coincided with the Chinese Lantern Festival (not to be confused with the Mid-Autumn Festival) and Shin Hyesung said that he thought the lanterns decorating the hotel exterior were put up to welcome him. When he found out the real reason later, he took one of the lanterns and walked around with it, and he even wrote the message “3rd jib success, wishing everyone good health”.

As he had said that he prefers singing to acting, he was then asked which Mandarin pop singer he would like to work with. He said that he had recorded a congratulatory message for Jolin Tsai when she joined Warner recently, and he had heard that she’s very popular in Taiwan, so if he has a chance, he would like to work with her. (erm…)

When he was asked to perform his famous ‘crab dance’, he shyly did a few moves, much to the amusement of the journalists.

Shin Hyesung ends his Taiwan visit today, and will depart for Korea at 12.10pm on China Airlines CI9036.

Source: UDN+China Times+CNA

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