Monday, February 09, 2009

Operation Orange

I think all of us have already read Dongwan’s blog entry about protecting the color that everyone KNOWS is associated with Shinhwa and Shinhwa Changjo. Especially when it isn’t the first time he’s talking about this.

As overseas fans, or even local fans, it’s hard to be able to help in any way if the companies don’t take the lead and some fans from the other end insist on being so clueless -_-”

Hat tip to Tippi, Phi and Ginnie for providing us some ways that we can voice our concerns to the two companies, but please, in a TACTFUL and RESPONSIBLE manner that Shinhwa fans are known for ^^

The email addresses are very generic as you can see, and though our emails may head straight to their junk mail or trash can, there’s no harm just sending a simple email anyway Don’t worry about having to write in Korean - with both companies having acts that have many overseas fans, there must be someone who can read and understand English.



주황색은 영원히 신화창조와 신화의 상징이자 자존심입니다.
The color orange will always be the symbol and pride of SHINHWA CHANGJO and SHINHWA.

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