Tuesday, July 21, 2009

[09.07.20] Dongwan’s memolog: Koi no Chikara (The Power Of Love)

Transcript from Su-mi:

Wannie (ahjumma LOL) talks about another Japanese drama in this post, Koi No Chikara (The Power Of Love), from 2002, also starring Tsutsumi Shinichi who was in the last drama Wannie wrote about, Yamato Nadeshiko. Nukui and Motomiya are surnames of the lead characters in the dramas, Yada Akiko is the actress who plays another character in the drama.

Alcohol. I should heed Wannie’s advice… I don’t want to look old…!! -_-*

He’s worse than the Korean men who can’t succeed because of their pride..
Are there really office workers in Japan with characters similar to those of Koreans?
I often hear that people don’t live their lives like this in Japan…
This person. It’s hard to resonate with he’s so terribly obstinate and always doing things his way…

By the way, was there a wine craze in Japan from 2000-2002?
The characters all finish up half a bottle of wine everyday..
Isn’t that alcoholism…!
Ah.. that’s serious.
No one should follow that.
Women become weak because of alcohol. If they drink like that everyday… It’s said that they’ll age faster…

Motomiya looks like Jang Nara.

Why did I watch this uneventful drama until the end..
Stories about women are really interesting..

Yada Akiko has such a pretty face, why does she always only like Tsutsumi Shinichi..
Ah. Sad.. ㅜㅜ

Clearly men can still date even if they don’t like the other party..
It seems that women don’t do that.
Most of them…

The more I watch Japanese dramas
The more I remember how harshly the Japanese are treated.
Painful. -_-;

The stress of being 30 years old is really great for a woman.

Keep your spirits up! The 30s! ㅋ

Credits: Dongwan’s memolog+ Su-mi@absolutshinhwa

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