Sunday, May 04, 2008

[08.04.22] dongwan diary: When I become an adult...

만나고 싶은 사람과,
만나야 하는 사람.

하고 싶은 일과,
해야 하는 일.

가고 싶은 곳과,
가야 하는 곳.

이런 것들을 잘 분별하고,
제어 할수 있으리라 생각했는데..

점점 더 못하겠어.
규칙 같은건 어른이 만든거니까.
난 어른이니까.
잘 알 수 있으리라 생각했는데..
더 모르고 못하겠어..

정말 못견디게 되면....

자폭이다!!!!! -____-*


The people I want to meet,
The people I have to meet.

Doing the work I want to do,
Doing the work I have to do.

I can't go to the places I want to,
I go to the places I have to.

Differentiating between these things,
I thought I could do it...
However, it's slowly becoming apparent that I can't.
As an adult, you see that you can't do it.
I'm an adult.
I thought I could know the difference..
I realize that don't know and can't do it..

If I can't endure it...
What then.....~!

It is a suicide bombing!!!!! -____-*

Trans: HappyHeart7 @

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